Why You Should Be Dethatching Your Lawn

Dethatching can sometimes seem like an aesthetics based choice, you mowed your lawn and now its time to get rid of the ugly yellow stuff left behind. But we are here to remind you that skipping this part may create problems like fungus, pests and even strange odors in your homes landscaping.

Lawn thatch insects and fungus can be a real nuisance for gardeners. Thatch is a layer of dead grass and organic matter that accumulates on the soil surface, providing a breeding ground for insects like chinch bugs, sod webworms, and fungus such as brown patch or dollar spot.

These pests can damage the grass leading to thinning or brown patches in your lawn. Proper lawn care practices like regular dethatching, aeration, and proper watering can help prevent and control these issues.

Dethatching before applying preemergent on your lawn is also important because it helps the preemergent herbicide reach the soil where its most effective. Thach can create a barrier that prevents the herbicide from penetrating the soil and reaching weed seeds.

By dethatching, you remove the barrier, allowing the preemergent to reach the soil and create a protective barrier against weed seed germination. This ensures better weed control and a healthier lawn overall.

We can help by offering a deeper level of dethatching with our specialized equipment, quickly and effortlessly removing seasons of thatch that may be suffocating your lawn. If you need help solving these issues and would like to get a quote, feel free to fill out our contact form or call the main line at 603-864-8646. We would be happy to help!

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